Saturday, October 13, 2007


Helloooooo People....

Welcome vanakam namaskaar kutta - and don't be surprised as kutta actually means hello...I am not joking...u can check it out if you do not believe me...though i like to think that i am extremely trustworthy (though never trust me with chocolates).

I am new to this fundaa of blog and would welcome any inputs or suggestions.......

A Day in the life of a Devotee ;) Just kidding A day in the life of a Prisoner.

Like trillion other office goers, I have nightmares about my work every night, where my boss and clients find new and innovative ways to torture me. I get up in cold sweat cursing them and thankfully realise that it was only a dream....but alas, the respite is only temporary. Although due credit should be given to these nightmares as they help me get up early everyday in time to abuse my body by twisting it into excruciating postures ordered by my gay gym instructor. My gay instructor is married and would never come out of the closet unless in the vicinity of a drop dead gorgeous dude with a six pack. Unfortunately, I can never say this aloud as my boss is a member of the same gym and is a big fan of the instructor, now I wonder why.........
Whoever said that workouts make you feel energetic, young and exuberant had never worked out himself (or herself ... I am a feminist at heart). I feel half dead after one session of third degree and would gladly hit the sack for an hour or two....but the battle of the bulge goes on. However, there is no rest for the wicked. Next stop-Office.
Supernatural forces ensure that I never reach office on time. Specially on the days when I am running late, the generally snoring traffic havaldaars have to hold the traffic up for some "VVIPs", or the autowalla has to stop somewhere for petrol or (the best of all) .... the lift does not work.
Huffing and puffing, after battling the supernatural, I reach my prison cell...the cubicle. I thank my lucky stars for avoiding the boss. But alas, luck has a tendency of not sticking around me ....... the spineless, gutless, health freak ... in other words my boss has noticed the grand entry and judging by his constipated expression, is not very happy about it. I duck and pretend not to notice him ..... avoiding the unavoidable.
However, judgment day has arrived, a long lecture (yawn!!) follows and then I am back, playing the role of a ping pong ball between the client's demands and the boss's temper. After walking this tightrope for an exhausting 12 to 13 hours, I make up my mind to find something new, to do something different. However, I guess my boss's indecisiveness is contagious...I am back again the next day a glutton for punishment.
Well the day draws to a gruelling end, I make my way home with a huge sigh of relief. At last, I lay my tired rotund body on the lumpy bed, dreaming about that one call for a dream job where I don't have to do any work and my bank account doesn't just blossom, but multiplies! The ringing phone rouses me from this pleasant contemplation....guess who!! The boss--- he needs something. (This guy would not know where his head was if it was not sown on to his neck). Tomorrow is another day, I pray for the ability nay the strength to go through the same grind again.
Wish me luck and pray for me. My sincere sympathies for others in the same sinking boat. We shall soon meet and start a cult "The boss haters".
Peace to all (Don't kill your boss)
PS: Also pray for my dear friend who sat through this venting session with me.
PPS: Next installment-The Vagaries of Shopping.